Costa Rica’s Most Awesome Animals!


With nearly 5% of the entire planet’s biodiversity contained in Costa Rica, there’s no surprise that you’ll see some awesome animals if you go there! Some can be spotted here and there, but others are endangered and incredibly rare. Whatever your reason is for visiting Costa Rica, seeing some of these animals in their natural habitats can be a real treat!

There’s something truly amazing and special about coming in contact with wild animals in their natural environment. It’s refreshing and it reconnects us with a world we often forget exists. Living in cities and with lives that are heavily involved with technology can make us forget sometimes that these beautiful creatures still exist, so it’s truly a treat to get a chance to connect with that aspect again.

Plus, who doesn’t want to see a sloth? You can see two different types of sloths in Costa Rica, the ones with two toes and the ones with three toes. Although they’re often hard to spot since they move so slow and can camouflage quite well in their natural habitats, you can still see them in national parks, and even get the chance to hold one!

On a much larger scale, you can also see a humpback whale in Costa Rica, since more than 20 different whale species pass through Costa Rica’s waters, with the humpback being most abundant. That’s largely due to the two distinct populations that make their way there, which results in one of the world’s longest whale-watching seasons. And of course, you can’t forget all of the monkeys!

Read the full story here :: Photo Guide to Costa Rica’s Most Incredible Animals

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