What to do in La Fortuna


La Fortuna is in the middle of Costa Rica and it’s famous for its Arenal Volcano. But what else can you do in La Fortuna, and is it even worth visiting?

Well, the answer to the first part of that question is: A lot! And the answer to the second part? If you skip La Fortuna then you are skipping out on a beautiful experience in Costa Rica.

Apart from the beautiful volcano you can spy in the sky, one of the best things about La Fortuna is the opportunity to go spelunking. Spelunking is essentially cave exploring. Now, before you conjure up any thoughts of the last thriller movie you saw, these caves are well explored and generally have guides to lead you through. So the next time you think about making a stop in La Fortuna, make sure to do it!

Watch: What to do La Fortuna

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