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Affiliate Terms of Service

20 Jan 2023 • Updated 20 Jan 2023


These terms and conditions govern the affiliate program (the "Program") of Vamos Rent-A-Car. By participating in the Program, you (the "Affiliate") agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.


  • To enroll in the Program, you must submit a completed application and be approved by the Company.
  • The Company reserves the right to approve or reject any application for any reason.

Obligations of the Affiliate

  • As an Affiliate, you agree to promote the Company's products and services to your audience through the use of unique tracking links provided by the Company.
  • You may not use any fraudulent or illegal means to promote the Company's products and services.
  • You may not use any unsolicited means to promote the Company's products and services, including, but not limited to spamming.
  • The Affiliate may not use any false or misleading language in their promotions or make any false or misleading claims about the car rental company or its services.

Obligations of the Company

  • The Company will provide you with tracking links and banners to promote the Company's products and services.
  • The Company will also provide you with access to real-time reports on sales and commissions.
  • The Company will pay the Affiliate a commission for each qualified sale made through their unique tracking links.
  • The tracking link has a 30-day cookie policy.


  • The Affiliate will earn a commission on each qualified sale made through their unique tracking links.
  • The commission rate is [contact us for the current percentage] based on the total rental rate only.
  • The commission will be paid on a monthly basis.

Term and Termination

  • The term of this agreement will begin on our acceptance of your application and will end when terminated by either party.
  • Either party may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party written notice of termination.
  • In the event of termination, the Affiliate will be paid all commissions for any sales that were made through the unique tracking links up to the date of termination.


  • The Company may modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this agreement, at any time and at our sole discretion, by posting a change notice or a new agreement on the Company website.
  • Modifications may include, but are not limited to, changes in the scope of available commissions, commission schedules, payment procedures, and Program rules.
  • The Company will notify the Affiliate of the new changes.
  • If you consider any modification unacceptable, the Affiliate can terminate this agreement. The continued participation in the Program following a posting of a change notice, or new agreement, on the Company website will constitute binding acceptance of that change or agreement.


  • A sale is defined as a rented vehicle.
  • The rental rate used to calculate the commission is based on the closed rental agreement when the rental vehicle has been returned.

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