An old crime that’s rearing its head again is the tire scam. It starts when a rental car is parking at a scenic sight, park, beach, or even at a street-side cafe. The criminals puncture a tire, so that it leaks slowly. The renters return and drive away on what they believe is four good tires.
Eventually, one or more of the tires goes flat. The unknowing renters pull over to either fix it themselves or to call someone. Suddenly a couple of good Samaritans show up, eager to assist. Unfortunately it is difficult to keep an eye on them as they move about the car. In the end, the tire is fixed, yet some of the renters’ valuables are missing…
To avoid falling victim to this scam, please follow the following points below:
Costa Ricans are generally friendly and many would stop to help a tourist with vehicle difficulties, but do be cautious.
If this trick is pulled on you, call Vamos Rent-A-Car and a representative will explain the necessary paperwork for the police report and will forward this information to the appropriate authorities who are keen to investigate all cases.